Lexical bases
Dependent morphemes


Boundary character:

Basic morpheme order:
Head-final and suffixing
Head-initial and prefixing

Derivation type:
Simple affixation
Mixed (i.e. configurable with boundary characters)

Output type:
Single word
Several derivations from a single base
All possible derivations from a single base
One derivation applied to several different bases
Multiple bases with several derivations each
A list of random suggestions


The Derivizer

This is a Javascript tool for derivation/compounding. Enter your headwords and their meanings/glosses in the box to the left, separated by a dividing character (which you can choose in the Divider input field). Enter your derivational affixes or dependent lexemes/roots in the box to the right, again separated from their meanings/glosses by the dividing character. You can add a tooltip description after a second divider character. Select your output options and hit Suggest to receive suggestions for derived or compounded words. Use cut and paste to save your work.

Created by Jan Strasser, 2012-2015

cedh listed two things they wanted to include in the future: 1. add option for part-of-speech info. 2. filtering the output so that only legal combinations are shown

v0.4 beta, 17 August 2024