IPA Keyboard

X-Sampa Converter


This tool allows you to type IPA chracters! Click on either the IPA icons at the top of the page, or by typing in the X-SAMPA field. Enter base characters before diacritics. If you hover over the IPA icons, hovertext will tell you the name of the phoneme (not on mobile).

You can also select previously selected characters from a list that appears to the right of the 'Clear' button.

Mobile users should be advised they can scroll the IPA table left and right. And that Apple and Android devices have access to an IPA keyboard in the keyboard settings of their device,

This tool has been directly inspired by the similar tools Westonruter's IPA Chart and Aevas's Xipa. You can also visit this site to hear audio clips of IPA and their phonemes.

X-SAMPA notation

X-SAMPA IPA Description
b b voiced bilabial plosive
b_< ɓ voiced bilabial implosive
c c voiceless palatal plosive
d d voiced alveolar plosive
d_< ɗ voiced alveolar implosive
d` ɖ voiced retroflex plosive
e e close-mid front unrounded vowel
f f voiceless labiodental fricative
g ɡ voiced velar plosive
g_< ɠ voiced velar implosive
h h voiceless glottal fricative
h\ ɦ voiced glottal fricative
i i close front unrounded vowel
j j palatal approximant
j\ ʝ voiced palatal fricative
k k voiceless velar plosive
l l alveolar lateral approximant
l\ ɺ alveolar lateral flap
l` ɭ retroflex lateral approximant
m m bilabial nasal
n n alveolar nasal
n` ɳ retroflex nasal
o o close-mid back rounded vowel
p p voiceless bilabial plosive
p\ ɸ voiceless bilabial fricative
q q voiceless uvular plosive
r r alveolar trill
r\ ɹ alveolar approximant
r\` ɻ retroflex approximant
r` ɽ retroflex flap
s s voiceless alveolar fricative
s\ ɕ voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative
s` ʂ voiceless retroflex fricative
t t voiceless alveolar plosive
t` ʈ voiceless retroflex plosive
u u close back rounded vowel
v v voiced labiodental fricative
v\ (or P) ʋ labiodental approximant
w w labial-velar approximant
x x voiceless velar fricative
x\ ɧ voiceless palatal-velar fricative
y y close front rounded vowel
z z voiced alveolar fricative
z\ ʑ voiced alveolo-palatal fricative
z` ʐ voiced retroflex fricative
A ɑ open back unrounded vowel
B β voiced bilabial fricative
B\ ʙ bilabial trill
C ç voiceless palatal fricative
D ð voiced dental fricative
E ɛ open-mid front unrounded vowel
F ɱ labiodental nasal
G ɣ voiced velar fricative
G\ ɢ voiced uvular plosive
G\_< ʛ voiced uvular implosive
H ɥ labial-palatal approximant
H\ ʜ voiceless epiglottal fricative
I ɪ near-close front unrounded vowel
J ɲ palatal nasal
J\ ɟ voiced palatal plosive
J\_< ʄ voiced palatal implosive
K ɬ voiceless alveolar lateral fricative
K\ ɮ voiced alveolar lateral fricative
L ʎ palatal lateral approximant
L\ ʟ velar lateral approximant
M ɯ close back unrounded vowel
M\ ɰ velar approximant
N ŋ velar nasal
N\ ɴ uvular nasal
O ɔ open-mid back rounded vowel
O\ ʘ bilabial click
P (or v\) ʋ labiodental approximant
Q ɒ open back rounded vowel
R ʁ voiced uvular fricative
R\ ʀ uvular trill
S ʃ voiceless postalveolar fricative
T θ voiceless dental fricative
U ʊ near-close back rounded vowel
U\ ᵿ near-close central rounded vowel (non-IPA)
V ʌ open-mid back unrounded vowel
W ʍ voiceless labial-velar fricative
X χ voiceless uvular fricative
X\ ħ voiceless pharyngeal fricative
Y ʏ near-close front rounded vowel
Z ʒ voiced postalveolar fricative
. . syllable break
" ˈ◌ primary stress
% ˌ◌ secondary stress
' (or _j) ◌ʲ palatalized
: ◌ː long
:\ ◌ˑ half long
@ ə schwa
@\ ɘ close-mid central unrounded vowel
@` ɚ r-coloured schwa
{ æ near-open front unrounded vowel
} ʉ close central rounded vowel
1 ɨ close central unrounded vowel
2 ø close-mid front rounded vowel
3 ɜ open-mid central unrounded vowel
3\ ɞ open-mid central rounded vowel
4 ɾ alveolar flap
5 ɫ velarized alveolar lateral approximant
6 ɐ near-open central vowel
7 ɤ close-mid back unrounded vowel
8 ɵ close-mid central rounded vowel
9 œ open-mid front rounded vowel
& ɶ open front rounded vowel
? ʔ glottal stop
?\ ʕ voiced pharyngeal fricative
<\ ʢ voiced epiglottal fricative
>\ ʡ epiglottal plosive
^ upstep
! downstep
!\ ǃ postalveolar click
| | minor (foot) group
|\ ǀ dental click
|| major (intonation) group
|\|\ ǁ alveolar lateral click
=\ ǂ palatal click
-\ linking mark
_" ◌̈ centralized
_+ ◌̟ advanced
_- ◌̠ retracted
_/ ◌̌ rising tone
_0 ◌̥ voiceless
_< implosive
= (or _=) ◌̩ syllabic
_> ◌ʼ ejective
_?\ ◌ˤ pharyngealized
_\ ◌̂ falling tone
_^ ◌̯ non-syllabic
_} ◌̚ no audible release
` ◌˞ vowel rhoticity; consonant retroflexion
~ (or _~) ◌̃ anasalized
_A ◌̘ advanced tongue root
_a ◌̺ apical
_B ◌̏ extra low tone
_B_L ◌᷆ low rising tone
_c ◌̜ less rounded
_d ◌̪ dental
_e ◌̴ velarized or pharyngealized; also see 5
<F> ↘︎ global fall
_F ◌̂ falling tone
_G ◌ˠ velarized
_H ◌́ high tone
_H_T ◌᷄ high rising tone
_h ◌ʰ aspirated
_j (or ') ◌ʲ palatalized
_k ◌̰ creaky voice
_L ◌̀ low tone
_l ◌ˡ lateral release
_M ◌̄ mid tone
_m ◌̻ laminal
_N ◌̼ linguolabial
_n ◌ⁿ nasal release
_O ◌̹ more rounded
_o ◌̞ lowered
_q ◌̙ retracted tongue root
<R> ↗︎ global rise
_R ◌̌ rising tone
_R_F ◌᷈ rising-falling tone
_r ◌̝ raised
_T ◌̋ extra high tone
_t ◌̤ breathy voice
_v ◌̬ voiced
_w ◌ʷ labialized
_X ◌̆ extra-short
_x ◌̽ mid-centralized

To enable X-SAMPA users to convert to the IPA without limitations, or just to make some things easier, XIPA uses some additional notations that are not standard in X-SAMPA: