Future Ideas
- Load charis font for ipa keyboard and say message about downloading it
- Space?
- Diary
- Character generation
- HTML markup from markdown and vBullitin
- Pet rock simulator
- Map Frappe alternative
- Pixel art!!
- Article on flags
- Excercise?
- Microblog
- Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
- Joke project to translate americanisms on a webpage
- Possibly a flashcards maker
- Flag generator
- Unfunny webcomics
- Should improve the navigation above, looks bad-ish...
- Need to make ipakeyboard textbox drag-resizable
- Add site buttons
- Figure out hamburger menu
- Get icons that look like neon lights
- Prob an article on uploading to neocities with Python
Probability & data
- Monty hall problem simulator
- Probability calculator
- Colour picker
- Unit conversion
- Attempt a family tree maker and database system
- Periodic table
- Orthography maker
- Translation challenge generator
- Password strength analyzer
- RegEx cheatsheet
- Mouse click counter
- Percentage difference between two values
- Article on soundchanges; list of sound changes assimilation elision etc.
- Possibly some descriptions and histories of natlangs
- Phonology generator like Gleb
- Dictionary maker
- Would like to do number systems / number bases
- Conlang review
- My conlangs
- English spelling reform
- Textbook / article on creating a conlang
- Cyper gen
- Language number generator
- Tower defence game
- Dice roller
- Sudoku
- Pinball
- Breakout
- Tyrian like
- Tetris
- Wordle
- Snake
- Flag guessser
- Text-based adventure