Conlang and worldbuilding resources
These are links to conlanging and worldbuilding resources I have found useful. I cannot guarantee the information will be 100% credible for any of the links provided.
Phonology generators
Word generators
- Cofeebot's word generator
- ConGen
- Jasontank's GenWords
- Kozuka
- LanguGen
- Lexifer (Neonnaut)
- Logopoeist
- Mikowitz's "Conlang"
- Monke word generator
- Oneo's word generator
- Phono-word-gen
- Wrdz
- Ye olde lexifer
- Zompist's Gen
Sound change appliers
- Brassica
- Command Line SCA
- Didelphis
- Geoff's Featured Sound Change Applier
- Geoff's Sound Change Applier (GSCA)
- IPA Zounds
- Kaththedragon's SCE and it's Github repo, "Conlanger"
- LangEvolve
- Lexurgy
- Lingua
- LoanPy
- Onset
- Reversible Sound Change Applier (rsca)
- Richard Wordingham’s Sound Change Applier
- Phonix
- Zompist's sound change applier 2
- SCA 2.1
- SCA++ (for C++)
- exSCA
- Soundchange (for Rust)
- Sound Change Transducers
- TriSCA
- Ursus
Dictionary creators
- Donut
- HTML dictionary maker
- LangPad
- Lexique Pro
- PolyGlot
- Sheet2Dict
- SIL Toolbox
- The ultimate dictionary
- Tollerus
YouTube and podcasts
- Around the Campfire
- Artefexian
- Biblaridion
- Conlangery episodes
- Jan Misali, The Conlang Critic
- John Quijada
- K Klein
- Langtime Studio
- Language Creation Society
- Lichen the Fictioneer
- Monster garden
- Nakari Speardane
- Simulanger
- Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain | Big Think
- Theory Neutral
- CBB "Conlang bullitin board"
- Conlang mailing list
- Conworkshop
- Deviantart conlangers
- Deviantart worldbuiders
- Language Creation Society
- ZBB "Zompist Bullitin Board", again
Wikis, so many... wikis
- Conlang code registry
- Essentials of linguistics
- Fiat lingua
- HH conlanging guide CBB
- Hypomnemata
- Latex for linguists
- Neanderthal speech paper
- Questions about your language
- Share me your outline
- Standardised grammar format
- Superbasic conlang starterpack
- The BG language creation guide
- The Lingua Descriptive Studies Questionnaire
- Xenolinguistics
- Universals
- Universals archive
- Worldbuilding workshop: naming language
- Zompist adv
- Zompist LCK
- Zompist planet
- Conlang database and add conlang
- EvoSem
- Grambank
- Pbase
- Phoible
- Semantic domains
- South American phoneme database
- APTA converter
- Balancing vowel inventories
- Guide to Sound Changes
- Harmony Systems
- High vowel fricativization
- How to make a phonology
- Incatena: Tones
- Interactive Sagittal Section
- IPA keyboard and XSAMPA converter
- IPA typeit
- List of sound changes
- Metathesis
- PanPhon
- Paper on nasals
- Patterns of allophony
- Regular Models of Phonological Rule Systems
- Retroflex consonants
- Searchable Diacronica
- SLIPA: An IPA for Signed Languages
- Sound symbolism motivations paper
- The Frequentizer
- Tone for conlangers
- Grambidextrous
- Interlinear gloss generator
- Glossary of linguistic terms
- Leipzig Glossing rules
- Prosodic hierachy
- Syntactic alignment and pivot constraints
- Syntax tree generator
- Syntax descriptor language
- Why are some word orders more common than others
- Word order universals table
Lexical things
- Conlanger's Thesaurus
- Grammaticalization Pathways
- Emotional univerals
- Etymology database
- Intro to Lexical Typology
- Python project that you train on a wordlist to generate new words
- Sentence list
- The Derivizer
- Three Lexicon building tools
- Ways in which a word can be related to another word
- Wordsees
- Clause Chaining, Switch Reference and Coordination
- Converbs
- Creating tri-consonantal roots
- Defining Non-finites: Action Nominals, Converbs and Infinitives
- Ergativity for novices
- Finiteness and nonfinite verb forms
- Gender assignment
- Gender assignment paper
- Glossing and the case against morphology
- IAL morphology
- MalakMalak verb functions
- Notes on ergativity
- So-called “conjunct/disjunct”
- Temporal ontology and temporal reference
- The placement of the head that maximizes predictability
- Verbal diminutives
- Conscripter
- Fantasy script tutorial
- Flavan script
- Fontstruct
- Kwamenese script family
- More Clawgrip advice
- Writing systems
- Omniglot
- On generating ideograms 1
- On generating ideograms 2
- Unicode character recognition
- Unicode has a block from U+E000 to U+F8FF reserved for "private use", which will never officially be used. They're mostly meant to support writing systems Unicode doesn't support. So you could assign characters to code points in this block, make a font that uses them, and type up glyphs from your conlang without unintended side-effects. This block has 6400 code-points; you can have up to that many glyphs. If that's not enough, though, you can use almost everything from U+F0000 to U+10FFFF... over 131,000 characters!
- Unscripted
Teach your conlang to others
- Duolingo in Scratch
- Lingojam: Make your own translator
- Mini-lang
- Oppia
- Peach: homebrew your own Duolingo
- Vocaroo
- Afrihili
- Arrival movie language
- Balaybalan
- Ebisédi
- Himmaswa
- Ithkuil
- Marshlandic
- Ma'alahi
- Okuna dictionary
- Okuna grammar
- Sajem Tan
- Siinyamda
- Ta'agra project
- Tapissary
- Tengwar, but this site is bad
- Toki Pona
- Tolkien
- Collections of grammars and other things 1 and 2
- Czech Phonotactics
- Japanese resource list
- Kunjen dictionary
- Kunjen phonology
- Language plural rulesa
- Making athabaskan dictionaries usable
- Marshallese vowels
- Ndebele colour terms
- Old Irish
- Phonotactics of Urdu
- PIE grammar
- Reduplication in Ju|’hoansi
- Seri stress
- Swahili noun classes
- The The inverse in Japhug Rgyalrong
- Vowel harmony in Jingulu
- Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials
- Brandon Sanderson videos on worldbuilding
- C.M Koseman
- CivGen
- Furaha biology
- Procedural tectonic planets
- Songs of the eons
- Tellurus
- World History Sim
- WordMuncher world building program
Map generators
- Chronographer
- Fun with plate tectonics
- GProjector
- Map generation
- Tectonics.js
- Using GPlates
- Using Tectonics.js
- Wilbur and photoshop
- Wilbur: Fun with wilbur
- Wilbur: Rivers
- Wilbur: Rivers and lakes
- Wilbur: From a black and white outline
Generic programs
- Conlang studio
- Gloss gen
- Language construction tool
- Minimal Pairs Finder
- Obsidian
- Obsidian Gloss
- The guide
- Webonary
- Zim wiki